Lost Horse Mine & Big Trees Trail: Joshua Tree NP – 29 Palms ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Twentynine Palms weather forecast.

View from Big Trees Trail

View from Big Trees Trail

4/21/2023: This “hike” was just a leg stretcher to kill a bit of time before we drove from 29 Palms to Scottsdale for the real hiking adventure. It was nice to get the cobwebs out of our hiking boots but nothing to write home about. But that might be unfair since we only did about two miles of a six mile loop. In fact, we only did about ¼ mile on Lost Horse Mine Trail and opted to do a little out and back on the Big Trees Trail.

No one other than us was on the trail. The only sounds, our breathing as we climbed a little hill at the beginning of the trail; boot steps on the trail, which is very well maintained; and the sweet little song bird down the little valley below us.

Marg’s Notes: Got up early & packed car. Headed to Joshua Tree. First drove up to Key’s overlook. No one was there but it was windy & cold! Went back down to Lost Horse Mine Trail. Hiked in on it ~ ¾ of a mile then took Big Tree Trail. Totaled a mile out. Then back to car. No one was at the trailhead when we started but 4 cars there when we got back. ~5 hour drive to Scottsdale. Rod drove the whole way. Check in then went to Costco.

Dinner: Birdseye Frozen garlic Chicken & Veggies! Good! Went for a swim before bed. Beautiful night.

Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: We are just taking a little walk, not even taking backpacks with us. We drove to Keys Viewpoint, and it was windy but it was pretty clear. It is now 8:12 a.m., Friday, and there's nobody at this trail head, which is interesting because this is a national park and all the campsites appear to be full. It was a very nice drive through the park to get here because there was nobody on the road.

The hike is a six mile loop but we're not going to do the whole thing. We're just sort of getting a feel for getting ourselves out here and we just want to see what we could see.

It is incredibly quiet out here right now. The only sounds, our breathing as we climb a little hill at the beginning of the trail, steps on the trail, which is very well maintained, and the sweet little song bird down the little valley below us.

We decided at about a third of a mile in to take the Big Trees Trail for a little while just because we're not going to do the whole trail and just to explore it a little bit.

The road to get to the trailhead is a dirt road but it's well maintained and the CRV did just fine. Temperature is  59° and there is not a cloud in the sky.

There is a potty at the trailhead.

Joshua trees are blooming quite nicely.

There are a few flowers dotting the path. The trail looks like it is probably heavily trafficked just because of the well-worn path and the tennis shoes and boot prints you see in the sand. However, after about a mile and a half we have yet to see anyone.

People: We met a young man from Canada at the trailhead who had a Rivian truck, crew cab, big tires, high clearance, a camping system on the bed top and just a great truck. He talked to us (me) about the truck and basically sold me on wanting one. I have truck envy.